Echo’s Bones

Beckett, Samuel. Echo’s Bones. Grove. Jul. 2014. 128p. ISBN 9780802120458. $24; ebk. ISBN 9780802194077. LITERARY FICTION
In 1933, Chatto & Windus agreed to issue Beckett’s first published work of fiction, a collectionechoesbones From Samuel Beckett to James Carroll to Jacqueline Winspear in Historical Fiction Mode | Barbaras Picks, Jul. 2014, Pt. 2of ten linked stories called More Pricks Than Kicks. The editor asked Beckett to write a final piece, which was then rejected as too weird, wild, and playful—in other words, as quintessentially Beckett. The story has remained unpublished until now, and since the last new Beckett work to be released was the play Eleutheria in the mid-Nineties, this is pretty exciting. This story proved a watershed for Beckett, who used it to remake his writing and move in a new direction. Set aside fears that Beckett is too esoteric (go see Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart in Waiting for Godot on Broadway if you doubt it) and note that the publisher sold out its hardcover centenary box set of Beckett works and is currently redesigning all Beckett backlist titles.


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