Der 4. und letzte Band von Becketts Briefen liegt in Englisch vor und ist im Cambridge University Press Verlag erschienen. Die deutsche Ausgabe wird voraussichtlich erst ab 2018 erhältlich sein. Zum Einlesen nachfolgend ein paar Sätze aus dem 4. Band:
Giacometti dead. George Devine dead. Yes, drive me to Père Lachaise and go straight through the red lights.
Still alive. Just.
Thank you for the book you sent me that I will read later.
The work has run aground. From the wreckage I’ve rescued barely a thousand words in a pitiable state. All the verbs have died. Apart from the ones I’ve just used.
My eyesight is getting worse and I can now barely walk. I am not long for this world. No great loss.
Thank you for your letter. I have no idea how the Nobel works. I’m pleased you feel I am deserving but I have no appetite for such an honour. Knowing my luck, I might still be alive by the time they get round to giving it to me.
I have read Nick’s poems. They aren’t very good, but he’s so impoverished I dare say an endorsement would cheer him up.
I regret I must decline your interview request as I have nothing to say.
Still standing, though stooped. Surprised myself by waking up.
End of mother very distressing. We buried her somewhere. Glad I came though doubt I shall return to Ireland again.
So sorry to hear that you have died. It won’t be long before I fall over the abyss and join you.
I read La Nausée once but it was not in my thinking when I wrote Watt.